Last year, in July, I blogged about the repeat, repeat, repeat offenders in Shelby County. I had done some analysis of the data and found a person I believe has been arrested the most. Kimberly Johnson is a female black, rni # 68844. In July she had been arrested 200 times. Today she is in the county lockup and has bumped her grand total to 208 arrests. Isn't it about time something was done with people who have demonstrated they WILL NOT contribute to society? I guess you could say she stimulates the economy though. She is certainly providing work for law enforcement, courts, pre-trial, etc.
I believe people like this are the reason we have such a crime problem in our community. Until we do something that sends a strong signal to them, that we will not allow such behavior, they will continue to drag our community down. As I've said many times before, if we applied some simple Psychology, what I call the hot-plate approach to law enforcement, we would see a drastic drop in crime. How many times has anyone burned themselves on a hot stove? Usually, the answer is once. The punishment is swift, certain and severe. If we want to stop the crime, all we need do is ramp up on the negative reinforcements. Of that I'm positive!