I believe we live in such a dangerous environment because of the failed policies of law enforcement and other leaders in this community. Show me one leader with a vision and/or a passion for their job beyond pulling down a fat check. What is their plan of attack on the problems that are causing people to flee Shelby County like rats leaving a sinking ship? You are right, they don't have one. Raise your taxes, then lie to you while looking you square in the eyes, saying it's not a tax increase. If it's not a tax increase, then just send the same amount of money you sent last year when the tax bill comes due. Our good county mayor just doesn't want to admit that he doesn't have any plans other than tax and spend. That's the same model our previous mayor had. Now we're billions in debt.
We have elected people who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. Sheriff Luttrell says we can't arrest our way out of the crime problem. Isn't that how they cleaned up New York City under Rudy Guiliani? I think it's called Zero Tolerance, or what I call the "hot plate" approach to law enforcement. Here in Memphis we have maximum tolerance and zero prisoner retention, which is why it is so dangerous to live here! He is also concerned about overcrowding the jail, which is at the heart of the problem in our community. If the criminals aren't behind bars, where are they? Yep, they are wreaking havoc on the community. If we have to erect tent cities, we need to incarcerate the violent criminals and keep them there. If criminals aren't doing time, they're doing crime! Strict enforcement of curfew laws on juveniles in gang infested areas could also have an immediate impact.
I agree. It's totally out of control. We need someone in office with a plan. What are your plans? How can you make a difference?
ReplyDelete"If we have to erect tent cities, we need to incarcerate the violent criminals and keep them there."
ReplyDeleteThen I assume you're opposed to mandatory sentencing requirements, which fill the prisons with non-violent criminals, making less room for the violent ones. Right?
Prison should be for people who have demonstrated they will not abide by the law. If you are speaking of people who sell drugs, no they belong in prison. If you are speaking of someone who has just been stupid a time or two, I think there are alternatives to prison. House arrest, supervised probation,etc. We have to change our way of dealing with criminals in this community. You can see much more on my thoughts in this area at my website - www.johnharveysheriff.com
ReplyDeleteI do believe that Memphis needs to "clean up" and have zero tolerance. I like your "go get 'em" attitude, and you have my vote.
ReplyDeleteMemphis is listed here as number 2 worst city for crime:
I need to move away.
Memphis was only the number 5 most dangerous place to live when the current Sheriff took office. I heard him yesterday morning on a morning show say that his plan for interdicting crime is to get the public involved. Ha ha, what a brilliant, new idea! It's not his fault though, he's just saying what the academesians at U of M tell him to say, since he's never "really" arrested anyone, or been assaulted while attempting to cuff someone, or been shot at, or had someone complain on him for trying to arrest their "baby."
ReplyDeleteBefore I decided I would run and try to fix this broken community, I was sure I would retire and move to Tipton or Fayette county to escape the taxes, crime and idiotic decisions of our "leaders." I recommend you stay and help me turn this thing around!
Yeah, if we were following his lead, we would have saved over 8 million a year in feeding costs. Let's see over four years. . . that's 32 million. Hmmmm, wonder what we could do with an extra 32 million?
ReplyDeleteI would like to move to Memphis, but find it hard to get true info. It is described as livable and friendly, but then I read the neighborhood watch newletters and I'm horrified. The crime rate is the only thing that keeps me away. If people cared enough to change it, I would certainly help.
ReplyDelete"Why is Memphis the 2nd most dangerous Metro area in the US?" It is largely due to the same reason New Orleans is number five. In Memphis, like New Orleans, we primarily have decision makers who pander to the lowest element of their constituency: the voters of our welfare state.
ReplyDeleteNation's Murder Rate Hits 40-Year Low
ReplyDeleteOne factor is the overwhelming majority of states enacting "Right to Carry" self-defense pistol-packin' permits.
But of course Memphis & Shelby County are exceptions to the declining national murder rate.
Hey.. I came across this blog by accident. But, anyway I have a question about this statement:
ReplyDeletePrison should be for people who have demonstrated they will not abide by the law. If you are speaking of people who sell drugs, no they belong in prison. If you are speaking of someone who has just been stupid a time or two, I think there are alternatives to prison. House arrest, supervised probation,etc. We have to change our way of dealing with criminals in this community. You can see much more on my thoughts in this area at my website
What exactly does arresting drug dealers/users accomplish? Shouldn't you be more focused on more important areas, like murder, and rape?! I mean.. I could understand cracking down on drugs if our violent crime rate wasn't a problem.. but I think with Memphis-Shelby county at the state its in... you should spend less time on arresting people who are killing themselves on drugs, and more time on people who are killing others.
One factor is the overwhelming majority of states enacting "Right to Carry" self-defense pistol-packin' permits.
ReplyDeleteI doubt thats due to "Right to Carry" laws... The reason that states with "Right to Carry" Laws have the lowest crimes, isn't because they have these laws, its because all of them are sparsely populated. And as anyone with any common sense knows; most cribe happen in inner-city urban areas.
"What exactly does arresting drug dealers/users accomplish? Shouldn't you be more focused on more important areas, like murder, and rape?! I mean.. I could understand cracking down on drugs if our violent crime rate wasn't a problem.. but I think with Memphis-Shelby county at the state its in... you should spend less time on arresting people who are killing themselves on drugs, and more time on people who are killing others. "
ReplyDeleteJust who do you think are committing these crimes? It's the drug abusers, the addicted burglars, the chronic criminal, etc.
New York City is the model for zero tolerance. Under chief William Bratton, they implemented a zero tolerance policy and took control of the city. My vision for interdicting crime goes way beyond just locking people up, it involves utilizing technology like that which I have developed and shared (without charge) with over 4,000 officers, prosecutors and clerks in the metro area. It also involves data sharing with agencies within a 100 mile radius of Memphis. It involves several other aspects that are delineated on my website at www.johnharveysheriff.com
For a leader to be great, they have to have a vision and the ability to implement it. I believe I have the vision necessary to solve the crime problems in our community, the law enforcement and technological experience to make it happen. No other candidate can match my qualifications.
Here are a few links to demonstrate my point:
1. News story video on WASP
2. Testimonials from users of law enforcement website
3.The state of affairs
4.Fighting Crime - saving money
Even Microsoft has posted a case study on my software:
5.Worldclass crime fighting software - almost no cost.
I realize that this blog is pretty dated now, but I have been doing a littel research online on Memphis' curfew, and noticed you touched on this topic in this blog. Do you have any updated info or suggestions on who to contact or where to look online for some more recent information on Memphis implementing a daytime curfew, or enforcing or changing the evening one. Any info you could give would be of great help.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any more info on the curfew, other than my personal experience. It needs to be enforced!
ReplyDeleteThank you and I agree wholeheartidly on the curfew. Good luck on your endeavors.
ReplyDeleteYou and all those like you who hold a unamerican and unconstitutional "no tolerence" attitude need to look to history for an example of what happens to intolerant societies.A good and very recent example is the now defunct government of Sadam Hussien.Another very well known and evil society of intolerance is the NAZI regiem.I wonder at times who told you that you have the right to determain my lifestyle or what right you have to force me to abide by your ungodly moralistic attitudes.This great nation of ours which is quickly moving towards the totalitairian community oriented attitudes that create dictatorships and facist governments was not founded on any priciple of government control over the people as a matter of fact the constitution gives no right to government to control the private lives of the poeple in anyway what so ever.This nation was founded upon the ideals of freedom of choice and self determanation.Men like Sherrif Joe and yourself are Traitors to the ideals of the founding fathers and disgust me .You make me want to puke with you self inflating egotistical attitudes your pretentious idea that somehow you are better than and have some kind of right to force you evil ungodly morallistic attitude down my throat.Not to long from now men such as these will pay the constitutional price as traitors and be shot for their transgretions against the people.The true defenders of the American way of life and our beloved constitutionm are those who never stop fighting the evil of government control.Those of you who think what I have written here is hogwash should read the constitution and all the federalist ands anti-federalist papers as well as study the true intentions of and why the constitution was written the way it was and you to will come to the understanding that we as the people of The united states of america have been betrayed by our government and that those whom we have entrusted to protect our constitution have sold us down the river for power and ego just as the founding fathers feared would happen with such a free society thios pof course is due to the natural apathy and ignorence of poepl who would rather have some one tell them what to do and how to do it(in order to lay blame upon that some one else in case something should go wrong"I was just following orders"syndrom.This nation was intende to serve the needs of the individual and that as individuals we would build a better safer society.but instead we allowed the government and those who have power to dictate to us which of our god given rights we can exercise and those that take away from government control are taken away and eliminated.This nation land of the free is now the most heavily regualted society on the planet we havent been the land ofthe free for over three decades.We are laughable to the world as we turn a blind eye to our own transgresions pointing the finger to those who we created to take the spot light from our own evil like the spoiled brats we are.
ReplyDeleteYour attitude and those who share it is the reason Memphis is such a terrible place. Allowing people to run roughshod over the innocent is not what America was founded on. America was founded on the principles of freedom and liberty. You had the freedom to do right and the liberty to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Today, that isn't the case. Limp wristed, cowering liberals have infiltrated the court system and now the good people have to take refuge while the thugs wreak havoc. Get a life, or better yet move to Iraq!