Here are some things Mark Luttrell has had to say over the past four years as Sheriff:
1. "Gangs and drugs aren't a huge problem in county schools, Shelby County Sheriff Mark Luttrell said during a board work session." CA Jan 21, 2005
Don't you think ANY gang activity is a HUGE problem?
2. What authority do we have to make arrests in Bartlett? Compstats meeting in 2005
Give me a break, a rookie knows that one!
3. "We can't arrest our way out of this crime problem." News Story 2005
So I guess you have another idea?
4. "John Harvey is probably the smartest man in the Sheriff's Office"
In some areas, I may be. However, we've got a lot of smart officers!
A discussion forum where you are free to discuss politics, taxes, crime, punishment (or the lack thereof), etc.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
What Have They Done?
I didn't attend, but I was told that Bill Morris and Jim Rout were at Mark Luttrell's campaing kickoff. Isn't that reassuring! A good old Democrat and a good old er ah, wasn't Jim Rout a Republican once upon a time? That must have been before he won the Mayors race! (I hate to admit it, but I helped him win that first time.) You may remember him, he is the guy who forgot to tell us how terrible we were financially in Shelby County, then he decided to retire. We were about 1.2 billion in debt when he left and it looks like A.C. Wharton picked up right where Jimbo left off. We are now over 2 billion in debt.
Now, people are wanting you to support AC's running mate, Mark Luttrell. Let's see, no law enforcement experience, taking advice from the guys who got us where we are today. I don't think so.
How can anyone defend this crew?
Now, people are wanting you to support AC's running mate, Mark Luttrell. Let's see, no law enforcement experience, taking advice from the guys who got us where we are today. I don't think so.
How can anyone defend this crew?
Why Me?
I received an email early this morning which contained the following excerpt:
Please consider the following:
1. This is NOT going to make you very popular in the Republican party but very appreciated in the Democratic community.
My reply was that I am running because I have been a cop a lot longer than I've been calling myself a Republican. Cop defines who I am. The current Sheriff has got to go and I plan to undertake what others say cannot be done! Luttrell has got to go.
2. We need to consolidate and encourage the Republicans to get out and vote in August,.
I am encouraging everyone to vote the entire Republican ticket, except one position - Luttrell has got to go.
3. We need to give them all the encouragement we can muster to turn out the vote.
I plan to do just that, but not for Luttrell. Luttrell has got to go.
4. I am afraid that the Republican voters are discouraged enough ... is the reason the Democrats out voted us a few days ago.
I will be trying to get Republicans to the polls, but yep Luttrell has got to go.
5. Our Republican White House and Republican Congress's massive failures for the last 6 years will hurt us in state and local elections,
What has that got to do with me? Luttrell has got to go.
6. The Republican voter does not need more reasons not to vote.
I agree. Luttrell has got to go.
7. I feel that this write-in campaign will not help Terry Roland's race or any of the other county-wide races.
You probably didn't feel Terry Roland had a chance either. Just like you don't think I've got a chance, but Luttrell has got to go.
8. We are walking a very high tightrope this year. A lot is at stake.
I agree, but this is the good old USofA and I am exercising my right to run for office because I believe Luttrell has got to go.
9. You must know that a write-in cannot win so when the Sheriff loses, you will be blamed.
I know that if I don't do something drastic, Luttrell or French might win and take this community further down the tubes. Luttrell has got to go.
Please consider the overall cause and effect of your action.
I almost always do that. I rarely make rash decisions and I have come to one conclusion - Luttrell has got to go and I need to replace him.
I concluded my response with the following:
I don’t care about winning any popularity contests in the Republican or any other party. I am a career cop. For me, being a good cop has always been the “highest good.” I believe that this has been and is my calling. I believe I am as good at what I do as anyone has ever been. I believe I have tangible evidence of this in the systems I have created – both operationally and software-wise. However, I have had a belly full of selfish, greedy, crooked politicians. Mark Luttrell is just another one of those. He exemplifies what I detest about politics. He is unqualified to be Sheriff and was only put in the race because Jim Rout and Bill Morris wanted someone in they could control. I’m also sick of the Belz, Turley, Hyde, Hyneman etc crew running things from behind closed doors. He has charged deputy sheriff’s with violation of rules that he violates every day. Not only that, he has taken contributions from a major drug dealer who was arrested by the very department he is supposed to be leading. He has also taken money from several other felons. In my opinion, he is worse than Reginald French.
I am out to try to win this race and make a difference. Mark Luttrell has had four years to make a difference and he has only made things worse by cutting deputy sheriff positions so he could look good.
Please consider the following:
1. This is NOT going to make you very popular in the Republican party but very appreciated in the Democratic community.
My reply was that I am running because I have been a cop a lot longer than I've been calling myself a Republican. Cop defines who I am. The current Sheriff has got to go and I plan to undertake what others say cannot be done! Luttrell has got to go.
2. We need to consolidate and encourage the Republicans to get out and vote in August,.
I am encouraging everyone to vote the entire Republican ticket, except one position - Luttrell has got to go.
3. We need to give them all the encouragement we can muster to turn out the vote.
I plan to do just that, but not for Luttrell. Luttrell has got to go.
4. I am afraid that the Republican voters are discouraged enough ... is the reason the Democrats out voted us a few days ago.
I will be trying to get Republicans to the polls, but yep Luttrell has got to go.
5. Our Republican White House and Republican Congress's massive failures for the last 6 years will hurt us in state and local elections,
What has that got to do with me? Luttrell has got to go.
6. The Republican voter does not need more reasons not to vote.
I agree. Luttrell has got to go.
7. I feel that this write-in campaign will not help Terry Roland's race or any of the other county-wide races.
You probably didn't feel Terry Roland had a chance either. Just like you don't think I've got a chance, but Luttrell has got to go.
8. We are walking a very high tightrope this year. A lot is at stake.
I agree, but this is the good old USofA and I am exercising my right to run for office because I believe Luttrell has got to go.
9. You must know that a write-in cannot win so when the Sheriff loses, you will be blamed.
I know that if I don't do something drastic, Luttrell or French might win and take this community further down the tubes. Luttrell has got to go.
Please consider the overall cause and effect of your action.
I almost always do that. I rarely make rash decisions and I have come to one conclusion - Luttrell has got to go and I need to replace him.
I concluded my response with the following:
I don’t care about winning any popularity contests in the Republican or any other party. I am a career cop. For me, being a good cop has always been the “highest good.” I believe that this has been and is my calling. I believe I am as good at what I do as anyone has ever been. I believe I have tangible evidence of this in the systems I have created – both operationally and software-wise. However, I have had a belly full of selfish, greedy, crooked politicians. Mark Luttrell is just another one of those. He exemplifies what I detest about politics. He is unqualified to be Sheriff and was only put in the race because Jim Rout and Bill Morris wanted someone in they could control. I’m also sick of the Belz, Turley, Hyde, Hyneman etc crew running things from behind closed doors. He has charged deputy sheriff’s with violation of rules that he violates every day. Not only that, he has taken contributions from a major drug dealer who was arrested by the very department he is supposed to be leading. He has also taken money from several other felons. In my opinion, he is worse than Reginald French.
I am out to try to win this race and make a difference. Mark Luttrell has had four years to make a difference and he has only made things worse by cutting deputy sheriff positions so he could look good.
I'm IN
Some are saying I am entering the race for Sheriff to try to help Reginald French. Others say to get rid of Mark Luttrell. I am here to say, I am running because I am the best person for the job! Neither of the other candidates has any law enforcement accomplishments to hang their hats on. Reginald French only worked for a year or so as a patrolman. Mark Luttrell has never made an arrest and I doubt he could fill out the paperwork. As for Luttrell's four year term in office - two years ago in a Compstats meeting he asked about 30 commanders "what authority do we have to make arrests in Bartlett?" It was all I could do to keep from busting out loud. My teenage son knew what authority we have to make arrests in Bartlett, Memphis, Millington, etc.
Mark Luttrell has accomplished a task that could have been done by a blind man. It takes no vision to cut, downsize and outsource. It takes vision to come up with plans that are effective like my idea of putting our warrants on the web. I didn't just conceptualize that, I wrote the webpage and developed the WASP system for area law enforcement officers to use. The end result was a reduction of over 5,000 warrants - even though Luttrell cut 15 officers from the Fugitive Bureau!
Now that I have my time in and can retire, they cannot hurt me. I can speak freely and I am doing just that. THE KING IS NAKED!
I hope to shock this city even more than I have already with the election commission reports. There is more to follow on that front too, by the way. Please join with me in an attempt to save not just this city and county, but the entire region. Crime impacts the entire metropolitan area, not just Memphis and Shelby county! I am asking for your support, your money and mostly your prayers. God help us all!
Mark Luttrell has accomplished a task that could have been done by a blind man. It takes no vision to cut, downsize and outsource. It takes vision to come up with plans that are effective like my idea of putting our warrants on the web. I didn't just conceptualize that, I wrote the webpage and developed the WASP system for area law enforcement officers to use. The end result was a reduction of over 5,000 warrants - even though Luttrell cut 15 officers from the Fugitive Bureau!
Now that I have my time in and can retire, they cannot hurt me. I can speak freely and I am doing just that. THE KING IS NAKED!
I hope to shock this city even more than I have already with the election commission reports. There is more to follow on that front too, by the way. Please join with me in an attempt to save not just this city and county, but the entire region. Crime impacts the entire metropolitan area, not just Memphis and Shelby county! I am asking for your support, your money and mostly your prayers. God help us all!