Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm IN

Some are saying I am entering the race for Sheriff to try to help Reginald French. Others say to get rid of Mark Luttrell. I am here to say, I am running because I am the best person for the job! Neither of the other candidates has any law enforcement accomplishments to hang their hats on. Reginald French only worked for a year or so as a patrolman. Mark Luttrell has never made an arrest and I doubt he could fill out the paperwork. As for Luttrell's four year term in office - two years ago in a Compstats meeting he asked about 30 commanders "what authority do we have to make arrests in Bartlett?" It was all I could do to keep from busting out loud. My teenage son knew what authority we have to make arrests in Bartlett, Memphis, Millington, etc.

Mark Luttrell has accomplished a task that could have been done by a blind man. It takes no vision to cut, downsize and outsource. It takes vision to come up with plans that are effective like my idea of putting our warrants on the web. I didn't just conceptualize that, I wrote the webpage and developed the WASP system for area law enforcement officers to use. The end result was a reduction of over 5,000 warrants - even though Luttrell cut 15 officers from the Fugitive Bureau!

Now that I have my time in and can retire, they cannot hurt me. I can speak freely and I am doing just that. THE KING IS NAKED!

I hope to shock this city even more than I have already with the election commission reports. There is more to follow on that front too, by the way. Please join with me in an attempt to save not just this city and county, but the entire region. Crime impacts the entire metropolitan area, not just Memphis and Shelby county! I am asking for your support, your money and mostly your prayers. God help us all!


  1. YOU'RE BACK IN THE RACE. Hot dog. Just let us know when and how we can help your campaign, John. Tell us what you need and where/when you want it, like you did for your Katrina cops relief/reinforcement effort.

  2. Thanks Clay! Start telling all your friends to vote the write-in candidate in the Sheriff's race. They can see a demonstration of how easy that is on my website. You only have to punch the box for write in candidate, then use the onscreen keyboard to select me.

    I'll be cranking up my robocalls (20,000 per day) this week and they will run until election time. I may add another board or two to take that number to 40,000 per day.

    Thanks again and I'll be in touch,


  3. I am thoroughly enjoying the NEW Could you also include a reminder to everyone of all the work and coordinating you did in your massive Katrina Cops relief and reinforcements effort from the Mid-South? I know you still have bunches of that: the Olive Branch PD photos, the donations you collected and shipped, on and on.

  4. Thanks Clay,

    I don't want to put that up on the political site because I didn't do that for political reasons. My heart was broken for the cops down there who didn't have food, water, clothing, cars etc. And, I just knew if I were in that situation how I would feel if some cop from far away showed up with a bunch of supplies.

    I was right, they were ecstatic and most appreciative. I think I wound up going down there three times and I enjoyed every minute of it, and they appreciated the supplies. I only wish we could have done more.

    As Forrest Gump would say, "that's all I have to say about that."
