Monday, November 13, 2006

Juvenile Judge Responses

I got several responses to my email from commissioners today:

David Lillard and Mike Ritz emailed they voted against it.

Deidre Malone called and tried to explain why she is supporting/sponsoring the addition of a judgeship.

Wyatt Bunker called and said he was trying his best to hold the line on spending and he doesn't see the need to add another judge. He also said if we add a referee, the county only has to pay about 25% of the cost because the feds will pick up the rest.

Here's J W Gibson's reply via email to me:
Thank you for your comments and I appreciate you keeping an eye on the actions we as elected officials take. We are about to being a series on public meeting dealing with this issue. I would like to personally invite you come listen and speak on this very important issue.

J.W. Gibson, II

After hearing Wyatt's comments, it makes a lot more sense to add a couple of referees and let the federal govt. pay most of the cost. This would have the greatest impact on the backlog. This and if they were to make them work a full eight hours.

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