click to enlarge This week the "Bell" is Andrew Bell and he "rings in" with 104 visits to the Shelby County Cross-bar Hotel. Andrew has an astounding record. He will be 30 this September, which means he has only been eligible to check into the county facilities for adults for the past twelve years. During that time, he has averaged 8.666 times (note - stopped at the third decimal on purpose) Andrew must be plying his trade elsewhere now, because he hasn't been arrested since February, twice this year, but none since February. Maybe Andrew has opened his own parking garage or something close to that. I say that because the last time he was arrested, it was for leasing parking spaces at a parking lot, yep, he didn't own. However, I will say, in his defense, after telling the undercover officer that it cost $7.00 to park, he gave the officer a discount, when the officer said all he had was a five. I think the affidavit says "this here is the five dollar parking spot." So, he is certainly one who understands capitalism, he just doesn't quite get the "investment" side of it. As is the case with most of these "thugs", Andrews rap sheet runs the gambit. He has been charged with the occasional burglary, aggravated robbery,robbery,sexual assault, assault, drugs,etc., but mostly he as been charged with trespassing, public drunkeness, disordely conduct, and finally a charge of which I'm sure he is not guilty - CRIMINAL IMPERSONATION. If ever there were a criminal, he is one. He is NOT impersonating one! Arrest Affidavit For Andrew's 104th arrest he received a sentence of 2 days in jail: Oh, does that bother you? You might look at the 5 pages of charges and dispositions on him at: Andrew's RNI number (a number that is linked to his fingerprints) is 239205
Here's a link to the JSSI website to lookup Criminal records.
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