This week we will begin deployment of the first five License Plate Reader cars (LPR). The cars you see in the pictures below are our own design. Initially, the LPR vendors recommended we outfit each car with four fixed, magnet mounted cameras, at a cost of around $12,000.00 each. The officers would have had to run cables through the back windows, and reposition the cameras etc. Our development team, which consists of my brother, Major Jim Harvey, Lt Ken Shackleford and myself decided we wanted a camera mounted on a pan tilt system, which could be controlled from inside the car (a good cop never gets cold, hungry or wet). We think we have designed the optimal system for law enforcement. I would not be surprised if we won another award next year on this one. Starting next week, we should be getting 10-12 cars per week on the streets, which will allow us to have over 70 of these cars working by January 1.
Here are some pictures of the cars being outfitted:
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