Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Channel 3 violating FCC rules on Equal Access

Press Release

Memphis, TN
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
For Immediate Release

Candidate files FCC complaint against local television station – citing violation of Equal Access to the public airwaves

Today Shelby County Sheriff’s write-in candidate, John Harvey, announced he has filed a complaint with the FCC against Memphis television station WREG. John said he is a “certified” candidate for Sheriff according to the Shelby County Election Commission and therefore should be invited to participate in the publicly televised debate which will be held on July 11th. He has already participated in the Cordova Leadership Forum with both of the other candidates and is scheduled to appear with them again at the Lakeland Forum on July 13th at 7:00pm.

An inquiry to WREG from John has gone unanswered, yet a reporter with the Memphis Commercial Appeal confirmed that John will not be invited to the debate. The Commercial Appeal is a participant in the debate, along with Channel 3 (WREG) and others.

John believes he has the answer to the crime problems in Memphis and his vision must be aired for public debate, for the good of the community. John says his cyber-posse system can turn the tide on crime – if implemented. Therefore, it is critical that he be allowed to participate.

Here is the content of John’s FCC complaint:

One of our local television stations (WREG), which is a CBS affiliate in Memphis, TN is co-hosting a televised public debate on July 11th, 2006. They have invited the Democratic candidate and the Republican candidate, but will not allow me to participate. I have been certified by the Shelby County Election Commission as a candidate in this race, as a write-in. I am requesting that this station, which broadcasts under FCC license and utilizes the public airways, be ordered to allow me to participate in this public discourse of the crime problems that are facing our community.

I am the only candidate in this race with significant law enforcement experience, including a vision and plan for interdicting crime in Shelby County. I believe my ideas need to be allowed to be aired in the public forum and debated. The other two candidates have either no law enforcement experience or very little.

I would appreciate your support in helping me participate in this forum which, is intended to allow candidates to air our views and opinions in the arena of public debate.

Thank you,

John Harvey
Candidate for Sheriff of Shelby County
John Harvey for Sheriff
Memphis Crime
Voting in Memphis


  1. Sounds like they don't want you around.

  2. John:

    I called and had others call WREG as a citizens and voters requesting the opportunity to hear from all candidates in the Sheriff's race. When I heard on WREG noon news program the night of the debate that all candidates will attend, I was excited WREG was going to do the right thing. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I will be writing in your name and so will the people I know. I believe it is possible if people did not cave and write you in. Robo calls as a write in before the election could be helpful...let me know where to mail a donation. I am not made of money, but something is better than nothing. Good Luck

  3. Thanks Blinders Off

    I will be in the next two forums. One tomorrow night at 7:00 pm at 4500 Canada Rd in Lakeland. Email me at and I'll send you info on where to send a contribution. You aren't a convicted felon are you?< G >

    The speaking schedule is posted on my website at

    Thanks again

  4. No John I am not a convicted felon who contribute to the candidate of my choice...I do not have their kind of money :-)
