Sunday, July 02, 2006

Farewell Preston Moore

Deputy Sheriff's, police officers and to a certain extent, even firemen, are like brothers and sisters - regardless of race, color or creed. We go through so much together that we build strong bonds. I have worked with officers from all across the country and there isn't a nickels worth of difference in any of them. I once ran into a group of LAPD officers while elk hunting in Colorado and you would have thought they worked for the Sheriff's Office. They took us in and we really enjoyed each other's company...

I got a call around 2300 last night from one of my fellow officers informing me of Preston's death and it shocked me. A few minutes later, I got another call, then an email from a reserve asking if I knew any of his family.

Preston Moore worked with me in Fugitive on the midnight shift. I didn't really know him that well when I took over as Field Commander, but I soon came to learn that he was a man who was reliable and conscientious.

What I came to learn was that he could be counted on to make sure the paperwork was correct every night and things were done according to policy. I never worried about things being fowled up when he was on the desk. He knew his job and he took care of business. He was always in a good mood - ready to crack a joke on one of the other officers at a moments notice, or take his turn as the brunt of the joke from one of his fellow officers. You could tell he enjoyed being one of our "family."

Also, when someone would call a hot tip in, he knew how to talk to them to get as much information as possible, like the time he got a tip on a rapist in the nutbush area. He collected all the information that was needed and kept the tipster on the line until we had the man in custody.

Preston was as steady as a rock and a person who was proud of the fact that he was a deputy sheriff. I thought the world of him, as did all the other guys on our shift. Once again, the good died too young. Preston, the deputy, and Jaye Michael Davis, the disk jockey, will both be missed.

Lt John Harvey

1 comment:

  1. while i didn't have the pleasure of working with Preston, he sounds like a great guy (the type you actually want working for the scso). A great officer like that will be missed, his wife and family are in my prayers.
