Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Yes, it IS a BIG deal!

Director Godwin sent me an email one day last month with a request that I take a look at some software he had seen at the Chief's conference. I took a look and was shocked at what I saw. The software he wanted me to review is what we announced today for our joint effort with CrimeStoppers. Heretofore, we never had the capability of asking a tipster follow-up questions. Once they got off the phone, if they didn't call back and give more information, we didn't get any more info.

This issue has been resolved by tipsoft's application. Now, when a tipster sends a tip via the web, email or texting, their tip is sent to a clearing-house in Canada (think untouchable by US lawyers), then the tip is transmitted to the RTCC. Officers can send a message back to the tipster when they decide more information is needed. This will allow us to solve crimes in a more timely manner, and since our information will be much better, we will solve more crimes.

I was already in the middle of writing an application for tracking CrimeStopper tips and the disposition of each tip, but now ther is no need. Not only does tipsoft's application handle our needs, it makes this two way, anonymous communication possible. We have already made enhancements to the tipsoft software and made suggestions for other future enhancements.

This is just another example of the MPD pushing the envelope and thereby making the city safer!

Here's the link to the new webpage